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How Effective Are NAD Nasal Sprays?

All living cells contain the chemical known as NAD, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which is crucial for energy metabolism. In recent years, David Sinclair’s Harvard research has drawn much attention to the compound after identifying its potential ability to increase energy levels, enhance mental clarity, and support general health and wellness. As more people search for ways to integrate NAD…

How Concierge Medicine Can Help You Manage Chronic Health Conditions

In the United States, chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and auto immune diseases are of growing concern. If these illnesses are not adequately handled, they can have a major impact on quality of life and result in long-term health problems. The typical healthcare system, which features lengthy wait times and little face-to-face contact with medical professionals, is daunting…

Why STI Testing is an Important Part of Sexual Health Maintenance

The prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in New York City is disturbingly high. In 2019, there were over 131,000 recorded instances of chlamydia, over 34,000 cases of gonorrhea, and over 3,000 cases of syphilis, according to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. These figures highlight the value of routine STI testing and the critical part…

Why Concierge Medicine is the Future of Healthcare in NYC

Although concierge medicine is still a relatively new idea in modern healthcare, it is catching on in metropolitan areas like New York. With busy schedules and a demand for best-in-class, the paradigm shift to concierge gives patients individualized, superior care on their own time table. Concierge medicine enables patients to establish long-term relationships with their doctors and receive care that…

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